I had the unfortunate reality of tearing my ACL on my same knee four separate times. I was always an active person in high school playing basketball and soccer while also being an avid skier and runner. I spent so much time in my late teens and early/mid-twenties rehabbing my knee after countless failed ACL surgeries. After tearing my ACL for the 4th and final time while in physical therapy school, I knew something needed to change. I found Dr. Alaia who specializes in revision ACL reconstruction and complex knee surgery, who identified the reason for all of my ACL injuries – the shape of my tibia bone was causing too much stress on my reconstructions and needed an “osteotomy” to change the slope of my shin bone. Dr. Alaia performed my fourth and hopefully final ACL surgery and my knee has never felt better. With my previous surgeries my knee would get sore and stiff after walking, running or working out. I am now back to my same active life of skiing, running and working out. I work as a physical therapist so I am on my feet all day working with patients. Thanks to all of my ACL surgeries, my favorite patient population are post-op ACL's.